Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Aspects of Building Maintenance that are Neglected by the Building Owners and Management

The article in the following links has listed various aspects of building maintenance being neglected, namely:
  1. Unidentified (unresolved) common area defects
  2. Fire-fighting equipment maintenance
  3. Fire door
  4. Electrical installation
  5. Water leaks
  6. Gas piping
  7. Lack of preventive maintenance
The statements are right and they should draw the attention of the building owners and management team. Severe implications can be occurred as a result of overlooking these aspects. 

I might comment/elaborate further based on the article whenever available. 

PhD Viva Voce Examination

Congratulations to my PhD candidate, Sr Syamilah Yacob, for passing the PhD Viva Voce Examination with minor correction. Well done!!!

New milestone for myself too.

To all potential PhD candidates who are interested to venture in the research area of Facilities Management/Building Maintenance, please do not hesitate to contact me (email: for study opportunity in University of Malaya.

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Sr Azlan Shah Ali; Dr. Au Yong Cheong Peng